As I look out the window of my office today I can see that the sun is shining, not a cloud in the sky and that the wind is blowing a bit. Of course, all it does is remind me that I am stuck in my office for the next two hours or so. My leg seems to have healed enough that I can do a little running on it. Wednesday I ran with my group and was able to do the drills, though not at full speed, but was able to do them. It is really amazing how much of a relief it is to be able to run again.
As I am sure that you have noticed, true ideas of discussion have been limited here. It was my original goal to just have a blog to get people to start enjoying running more and spread the joy. (Yes, I know that was way too cheesy.) But, I think that the majority of us like it when someone throughout the course of the day takes the time to acknowledge us. Why not try to be that person for someone else?
And whereas I did not really want this to become another technical running blog, nor a political blog of any sorts, perhaps I could start sharing some routes and drills that I have found or been shown. It might venture slightly into the technical world, but hey, I am in need of material here! Also, please share any of your routes, drills or tips in the comments. Thanks!
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