Tuesday, August 25, 2009


There really is not a whole lot of running or triathlon stuff to report right now; so what little I have I will get out of the way first. The leg is feeling much better! This morning I made it through a 4 mile run with no pain. And I even went along at a pretty good pace, so that is making me very happy. Hopefully this means that I will be ready for the Austin Tri on Labor Day. We shall see. Only other tidbit of news I have is that I should be getting my new bike in this week.

On a completely un-running topic I recently drank the koolaide and purchased an iPhone. (My office recently gave the OK for us to use them and I found out the data plan was $15 less per month than my BlackBerry.) Going into buying the phone, I asked a bunch of my friends what they thought of theirs and was amazed that only one of them had anything less than an enthusiastic praise chorus for it. That one just said that it was a good phone. I have never seen that with any electronic device. So my expectations were pretty high. It has been about three weeks now that I have had my iPhone 3Gs. It is definitely a good phone. But i have not had the euphoric experience that most people seem to have. I cannot really put my finger on it, but it just hasn't changed my life to quite the same degree as it has seemed to do so for others. What about y'all? Any thoughts?

That is about all for now, but in the mean time, run friendly! -T

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